VMVM: Unit Test Virtualization for Java (Tool Demo)
As software evolves and grows, its regression test suites tend to grow as well. When these test suites become too large, they can eventually reach a point where they become too length to regularly execute. Previous work in Test Suite Minimization has reduced the number of tests in such test suites by attempting to identify those that are redundant (e.g. by a coverage metric). Our approach to ameliorating the runtime of these large test suites is complementary, instead focusing on reducing the overhead of running each test, an approach that we call Unit Test Virtualization.
This video provides a brief demonstration of VMVM:
For more information, please see VMVM on GitHub.
FARE: A Framework for Benchmarking Reliability of Cyber-Physical Systems
Leon Wu and Gail Kaiser. FARE: A Framework for Benchmarking Reliability of Cyber-Physical Systems. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), May 2013.
CS/SE Education
About CS/SE Education
We are exploring new techniques and approaches to improve the teaching of computer science and software engineering. Our recent projects and papers are listed below.
Contact: Swapneel Sheth (swapneel@cs.columbia.edu)
Team Members
Prof. Gail Kaiser, kaiser [at] cs.columbia.edu
Phd Students
Swapneel Sheth, swapneel [at] cs.columbia.edu
Former PhD students
Jonathan Bell, jbell [at] cs.columbia.edu
Chris Murphy, cmurphy [at] cs.columbia.edu
See the Software Project Management project listed on our project student advertisements page.
HALO (Highly Addictive, sociaLly Optimized) Software Engineering
Swapneel Sheth, Jonathan Bell, Gail Kaiser. A Competitive-Collaborative Approach for Introducing Software Engineering in a CS2 Class. 26th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), San Francisco CA, pages 41-50, May 2013
Jonathan Bell, Swapneel Sheth, Gail Kaiser. Secret Ninja Testing with HALO Software Engineering. 4th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering Workshop (SSE), Szeged, Hungary, pages 43-47, September 2011
Christian Murphy, Gail Kaiser, Kristin Loveland, Sahar Hasan. Retina: Helping Students and Instructors Based on Observed Programming Activities. 40th ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Chattanooga TN, pages 178-182, March 2009
Christian Murphy, Dan Phung, and Gail Kaiser. A Distance Learning Approach to Teaching eXtreme Programming. 13th Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Madrid, Spain, pages 199-203, June 2008
C. Murphy, E. Kim, G. Kaiser, A. Cannon. Backstop: A Tool for Debugging Runtime Errors. 39th ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland OR, pages 173-177, March 2008
Tech Reports
Kunal Swaroop Mishra, Gail Kaiser. Effectiveness of Teaching Metamorphic Testing.Technical Report CUCS-020-12, Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University, November 2012
A Competitive-Collaborative Approach for Introducing Software Engineering in a CS2 Class
Presented by Swapneel Sheth at the 26th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), San Francisco CA, May 2013
A Competitive-Collaborative Approach for Introducing Software Engineering in a CS2 Class
Swapneel Sheth, Jonathan Bell, Gail Kaiser. In the Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), San Francisco CA, pages 41-50, May 2013
Very Large World of Warcraft Armory Dataset
As part of our research with HALO SE, we investigated how achievements were awarded in the popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft. We published our findings in our paper, A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of Warcraft. The data was gathered between September 29, 2011 and October 14, 2011 and contains “complete” records for approximately 6 million characters, and basic information for another 6 million. For the “complete” characters, we have populated each of the below tables for those characters. For the “partial” characters, we have populated only the “Toon” table.
Our institution, Columbia University has now decided to make this data publicly available under the following license.
Note: “World of Warcraft” ©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
If you use this dataset in a publication, we ask that you cite our WiC publication:
@inproceedings{Bell:2013:LLS:2487788.2488146, author = {Bell, Jonathan and Sheth, Swapneel and Kaiser, Gail}, title = {A large-scale, longitudinal study of user profiles in world of warcraft}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion}, series = {WWW '13 Companion}, year = {2013}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, pages = {1175--1184}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487788.2488146}, acmid = {2488146}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}, address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland}, keywords = {user profiles, video games, virtual worlds, web information mining, world of warcraft}, }
Dataset Description
This dataset is organized in a set of MySQL tables. A description of each of the tables follows:
Table: Achievement
Metadata about each achievement
- Id
- Category
- Description
- Points
- Title
- Rewarditem_id
Table: Achievement_category
Metadata about achievement categories
- Id
- Parent_id
- Name
Table: Achievementprogress
Records for each achievement completed by each character
- Created (timestamp of when the achievement was earned; second granularity)
- Achievement_id
- Toon_id
Table: Guild
Basic information for each guild.
- Id
- Server
- Name
Table: Pclass
Metadata for player classes
- Id
- Name
Table: Prace
Metadata for player races
- Id
- Name
- Side (e.g. alliance or horde)
Table: Profession
Metadata for each profession
- Id
- Name
Table: Quest
Metadata for each quest
- Bnet_id
- Havedata
- Id
- Title
- Reqlevel
- Suggestedpartymembers
- Category
- Level
Table: Quest_category
Categories for quests
- Id
- Name
- Type
Table: Raid
Metadata for each raid
- Id
- Name
Table: Raidboss
Metadata for each raid boss
- Id
- Name
- Raid_id
Table: Raidbossprogress
For each raid boss killed by each character, the number of times that character has killed that boss
- Heroic
- Normal
- Toon_id
- Raidboss_id
Table: Raidprogress
For each raid completed by each character, the number of times that character has completed that raid
- Heroic
- Normal
- Raid_id
- Toon_id
Table: Reputationsink
For each group that a character may have a reputation with, the metadata for that reputation group
- Id
- Name
Table: Reputationstanding
For each character, their reputation standing with each group
- Max
- Standing
- Value
- Toon_id
- Sink_id
Table: Server
Metadata about servers
- Id
- Fullname
- Name
- Region
- Slug
- Population
- Type
Table: Spell
Metadata about spells
- Bnet_id
- Companion
- Mount
- Name
- Id
Table: Title
Metadata about titles
- Id
- Name
Table: Toon
Information about each character crawled. Does not include character names
- Id
- Archaelogylevel
- Achievementpoints
- Cookinglevel
- Explored
- Firstaidlevel
- Fishinglevel
- Grank
- Pclass
- Pgender
- Plevel
- Prace
- Guild_id
- Prof1_id
- Prof2_id
- Prof1level
- Prof2level
- Selectedtitle_id
- Server_id
Table: Toon_quest
Contains a record for every tuple of (character, completed quest)
- Toon_id
- Questsdone_id
Table: Toon_spell
Contains a record for every tuple of (character, spell that is known by that character)
- Toon_id
- Spell_id
Table: Toon_title
Contains a record for each tuple of (character, title that is available to that character)
- Toon_id
- Titles_id
Download links
For each of the above documented tables, please find a link to download it below. Each GZIP archive consists of a SQL script that generates the table and loads the data. It is up to you to setup a capable MySQL server. We provide no warranty or support.
Achievement (<5MB)
Achievement_category (<5MB)
Achievementprogress (12GB download; 19GB uncompressed)
Guild (<5MB)
Pclass (<5MB)
Prace (<5MB)
Profession (<5MB)
Quest (<5MB)
Quest_category (<5MB)
Raid (<5MB)
Raidboss (<5MB)
Raidbossprogress (2GB download; 7GB uncompressed)
Raidprogress (511MB download; 2.1GB uncompressed)
Reputationsink (<5MB)
Reputationstanding (2GB download; 6GB uncompressed)
Server (<5MB)
Spell (<5MB)
Title (<5MB)
Toon (170MB download; 1.2GB uncompressed)
Toon_quest (17GB download; 56GB uncompressed)
Toon_spell (450MB download; 1.2GB uncompressed)
Toon_title (50MB download; 160MB uncompressed)
Chronicler: Lightweight Recording to Reproduce Field Failures
Presented at the International Conference on Software Engineering on May 23, 2013 in San Francisco, CA
A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of Warcraft
Presented at The 5th International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Communities, co-located with The 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW ’13), in Rio de Janneiro, Brazil. May 14, 2013.