Support for Concurrency in a Componentized SEE Architecture
BibTeXtype = misc author = “Israel Z. Ben-Shaul,
Gail E. Kaiser and George T. Heineman”,
title = “Support for Concurrency in a Componentized SEE Architecture”,
booktitle = “Process-Sensitive SEE Architectures Workshop”,
month = “September”,
year = “1992”,
address = “Boulder CO”,
note = “Position paper.”
Using Tool Abstraction to Compose Systems
BibTeXtype = article
author = “David Garlan, Gail E. Kaiser and David Notkin”,
title = “Using Tool Abstraction to Compose Systems”,
journal = “Computer”,
volume = “25”,
number = “6”,
pages = “30-38”,
month = “June”,
year = “1992”
An Object-Based Programming Model for Shared Data
BibTeXtype = article
author = “Gail E. Kaiser and Brent Hailpern”,
title = “An Object-Based Programming Model for Shared Data”,
journal = “ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems”,
volume = “14”,
number = “2”,
month = “April”,
year = “1992”,
pages = “201-264”
Scaling Up Rule-Based Development Environments
BibTeXtype = article
author = “Naser S. Barghouti and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Scaling Up Rule-Based Development Environments”,
journal = “International Journal on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering”,
publisher = “World Scientific”,
year = “1992”,
month = “March”,
volume = “2”,
number = “1”,
pages = “59-78”}
Concurrency Control in Rule-Based Software Development Environments
BibTeXtype = PhDThesis
author = “Naser S. Barghouti”,
title = “Concurrency Control in Rule-Based Software Development Environments”,
school = “Columbia University, Department of Computer Science”,
month = “February”,
year = “1992”
Dynamic Restructuring of Transactions
BibTeXtype = incollection
author = “Gail E. Kaiser and Calton Pu” title = “Dynamic Restructuring of Transactions” editor = “Ahmed Elmagarmid”booktitle = “Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications” chapter = “8”,
year = “1992”,
pages = “265-295” publisher = “Morgan Kaufmann”,
address = “San Mateo CA”
A Framework for Immigrating Existing Software into New Software Development Environments
BibTeXtype = article
author = “Michael H. Sokolsky and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “A Framework for Immigrating Existing Software into New Software Development Environments”,
journal = “Software Engineering Journal”,
publisher = “IEE”,
volume = “6”,
number = “6”,
pages = “435-453”,
month = “November”,
year = “1991”
A Rule-based Process Server Component for Constructing Rule-based Development Environments
BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “A Rule-based Process Server Component for Constructing Rule-based Development Environments”,
booktitle = “7th International Software Process Workshop: Communication and Coordination in the Software Process”,
address = “Yountville CA”,
month = “October”,
year = “1991”,
pages = “76-78”,
note = “Position paper.”
Extending A Tool Integration Language
BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Mark A. Gisi and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Extending A Tool Integration Language”,
editor = “Mark Dowson”,
booktitle = “1st International Conference on the Software Process: Manufacturing Complex Systems”,
publisher = “IEEE Computer Society Press”,
address = “Redondo Beach CA”,
month = “October”,
year = “1991”,
pages = “218-227”
The Splendors Real Time Portfolio Management System
BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Tushar M. Patel and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “The Splendors Real Time Portfolio Management System”,
booktitle = “1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street”,
publisher = “IEEE Computer Society Press”,
address = “New York NY”,
month = “October”,
year = “1991”,
pages = “73-78”