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Author Archives: kaiser

On Hard Real-Time Management Information

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Shyhtsun F. Wu and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “On Hard Real-Time Management Information”,
booktitle = “1st International Workshop on System Management”,
publisher = “IEEE Computer Society Press”,
address = “Los Angeles CA”,
month = “April”,
year= “1993”,
pages = “90-100”

Process Evolution in the Marvel Environment

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Israel Z. Ben-Shaul, and Gail E. Kaiser”,
editor = “Wilhelm Schafer”,
title = “Process Evolution in the Marvel Environment”,
booktitle = “8th International Software Process Workshop: State of the Practice in Process Technology”,
address = “Wadern, Germany”,
month = “March”,
year = “1993”,
pages = “104-106”,
note = “Position paper”

Support Algorithms for Incremental Attribute Evaluation of Asynchronous Subtree Replacements

BibTeXtype = article
author = “Josephine Micallef and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Support Algorithms for Incremental Attribute Evaluation of Asynchronous Subtree Replacements”,
journal = “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering”,
volume = “19”,
number = “3”,
pages = “231-252”,
month = “March”,
year = “1993”

An Architecture for Multi-User Software Development Environments

BibTeXtype = article
author = “Israel Z. Ben-Shaul and Gail E. Kaiser and George T. Heineman”,
title = “An Architecture for Multi-User Software Development Environments”,
journal = “Computing Systems The Journal of the USENIX Association”,
publisher = “University of California Press”,
volume = “6”,
number = “2”,
pages = “65-103”,
month = “Spring”,
year = “1993”

Multiple Concurrency Control Policies in an Object-Oriented Programming System

BibTeXtype = incollection
author = “Gail E. Kaiser, Wenwey Hseush, Steven S. Popovich and Shyhtsun F. Wu”,
title = “Multiple Concurrency Control Policies in an Object-Oriented Programming System”,
editor = “Gul Agha, Peter Wegner and Akinori Yonezawa”,
booktitle = “Research Directions in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming”,
publisher = “MIT Press”,
year = “1993”,
chapter = “7”,
pages = “195-210”

Parallel and Distributed Incremental Attribute Evaluation Algorithms for Multi-User Software Development Environments

BibTeXtype = article
author = “Gail E. Kaiser and Simon M. Kaplan”,
title = “Parallel and Distributed Incremental Attribute Evaluation Algorithms for Multi-User Software Development Environments”,
journal = “ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology”,
volume = “2”,
number = “1”,
pages = “47-92”,
month = “January”,
year = “1993”

An Architectural Survey of Object Management Systems

BibTeXtype = article
author = “Steven S. Popovich and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “An Architectural Survey of Object Management Systems”,
journal = “International Journal of Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems”,
publisher = “World Scientific”,
volume = “1”,
number = “3&4″,
pages =”515-577”,
month = “December”,
year = “1992”

Rule Chaining in Marvel: Dynamic Binding of Parameters

BibTeXtype = article
author = “George T. Heineman, Gail E. Kaiser, Naser S. Barghouti and Israel Z. Ben-Shaul”,
title = “Rule Chaining in Marvel: Dynamic Binding of Parameters”,
journal = “IEEE Expert”,
month = “December”,
year = “1992”,
volume = “7”,
number = “6”,
pages = “26-32”

Supporting Cooperation in the Marvel Process-Centered SDE

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Naser S. Barghouti”,
title = “Supporting Cooperation in the Marvel Process-Centered SDE”,
BookTitle = “5th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Development Environments”,
editor = “Herbert Weber”,
month = “December”,
year = “1992”,
address = “Tyson’s Corner VA”,
pages = “21-31”,
note = “Special issue of Software Engineering Notes, 17(5), December 1992.”

Rule-Based Process Servers for Software Development

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Steven S. Popovich”,
title = “Rule-Based Process Servers for Software Development Environments”,
editors = “John Botsford, Arthur Ryman, Jacob Slonim and David Taylor”,
booktitle = “1992 Centre for Advanced Studies Conference” address = “Toronto ON, Canada”,
publisher = “IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory”,
month = “November”,
year = “1992”,
volume = “I”,
pages = “477-497”