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Author Archives: kaiser

Process Modeling with Cooperative Agents

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “George T. Heineman”,
title = “Process Modeling with Cooperative Agents”,
booktitle = “3rd European Workshop on Software Process Technology”,
series = “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”,
volume = “772”,
editor = “Brian Warboys”,
publisher = “Springer-Verlag”,
month = “February”,
year = “1994”,
pages = “75-89”,
address = “Villard de Lans (Grenoble), France”

Emerging technologies that support a software process life cycle

BibTeXtype = article
author = “G.T. Heineman, J.E. Botsford, G. Caldiera, G.E. Kaiser, M.I. Kellner and N.H. Madhavji”,
title = “Emerging technologies that support a software process life cycle”,
journal = “IBM Systems Journal”,
volume = “33”,
number = “3”,
year = “1994”,
pages = “501-529”

Cooperative Transactions for Multi-User Environments

BibTeXtype = incollection
author = “Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Cooperative Transactions for Multi-User Environments”,
editor = “Won Kim”,
booktitle = “Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond”,
publisher = “ACM Press”,
address = “New York NY”,
year = “1994”,
chapter = “20”,
pages = “409-433”

Non-Sharable Resource Freshness in Real-Time Scheduling

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Shyhtsun F. Wu and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Non-Sharable Resource Freshness in Real-Time Scheduling”,
booktitle = “Real Time Systems Conference”,
address = “Porte Maillot, Paris”,
month = “January”,
year = “1994”,
pages = “51-66”

A Bi-Level Language for Software Process Modeling

BibTeXtype = incollection
author = “Gail E. Kaiser, Steven S. Popovich and Israel Z. Ben-Shaul”,
title = “A Bi-Level Language for Software Process Modeling”,
booktitle = “Configuration Management”,
editor = “Walter F. Tichy”,
series = “Trends in Software”,
number = “2” , year = “1994” ,publisher = “John Wiley & Sons “,
chapter = “2”,
pages = “39-72”

The Design and Implementation of Late Binding In A Distributed Programming Language

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Wenwey Hseush and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “The Design and Implementation of Late Binding In A Distributed Programming Language”,
booktitle = “5th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing”,
address = “Irving TX”,
month = “December”,
year = “1993”,
pages = “438-445”

Marvelous Support for Semi-Structured Organizational Activities

Presented at COOCS ’93 keynote on November 2, 1993

A Proposed Approach to Process Decomposition and Collaboration for Marvel

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Andrew Z. Tong”,
title = “A Proposed Approach to Process Decomposition and Collaboration for Marvel”,
booktitle = “1993 Centre for Advanced Studies Conference”,
address = “Toronto ON, Canada”,
publisher = “IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory”,
month = “October”,
year = “1993”,
volume = “I”,
pages = “325-336”

A Transaction Manager Component for Cooperative Transaction Models

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “George T. Heineman”,
title = “A Transaction Manager Component for Cooperative Transaction Models”,
editors = “Ann Gawman, W. Morven Gentleman, Evelyn Kidd, Per-Ake Larson and Jacob Slonim”,
booktitle = “1993 Centre for Advanced Studies Conference”,
address = “Toronto ON, Canada”,
publisher = “IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory”,
month = “October”,
year = “1993”,
volume = “I”,
pages = “910-918”

Disconnected Operation in a Multi-User Software Development Environment

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Peter D. Skopp and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Disconnected Operation in a Multi-User Software Development Environment”,
editor = “Bharat Bhargava”,
booktitle = “IEEE Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Systems”,
address = “Princeton NJ”,
month = “October”,
year = “1993”,
pages = “146-151”