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Author Archives: kaiser

Low-Bandwidth Operation in a Multi-User Software Development Environment

Presented at Peter Skopp MS Thesis Defense on December 7, 1995

OzWeb: Interfacing the Oz System to the World Wide Web

BibTeXtype = techreport
author = “Stephen E. Dossick”,
title = “OzWeb: Interfacing the Oz System to the World Wide Web”,
institution = “Columbia University Department of Computer Science”,
number = “CUCS-002-96”,
month = “December”,
year = “1995”,
note = “BA Thesis”

An Interoperability Model for Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments and its Implementation in Oz

BibTeXtype = techreport
author = “Israel Z. Ben-Shaul and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “An Interoperability Model for Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments and its Implementation in Oz”,
institution = “Columbia University Department of Computer Science”,
number = “CUCS-034-95”,
month = “December”,
year = “1995”

Low Bandwidth Operation in a Multi-User Software Development Environment

BibTeXtype = MastersThesis
author = “Peter D. Skopp”,
title = “Low Bandwidth Operation in a Multi-User Software Development Environment”,
school = “Columbia University Department of Computer Science”,
month = “December”,
year = “1995”

ARPA Software Environments workshop IV

Presented on September 20, 1995

Workflow Technology for Healthcare Delivery

Presented at IBM on August 11, 1995

ntegrating an Existing Environment with a Rule-Based Process Server

BibTeXtype = techreport
author = “Steven S. Popovich and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Integrating an Existing Environment with a Rule-Based Process Server”,
institution = “Columbia University Department of Computer Science”,
number = “CUCS-004-95”,
month = “August”,
year = “1995”

Enveloping Sophisticated Tools into Computer-Aided Software Engineering Environments

Presented by Giuseppe Valetto at CASE95 on July 14, 1995

Enveloping Sophisticated Tools into Computer-Aided Software Engineering Environments

BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Giuseppe Valetto and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Enveloping Sophisticated Tools into Computer-Aided Software Engineering Environments”,
booktitle = “IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering”,
address = “Toronto Ontario, Canada”,
month = “July”,
year = “1995”,
pages = “40-48”

ARPA Process Technology workshop

Presented on May 31, 1995