From Oz To TreatyMaker
Presented at WACC ’99 Workshop on Cross-Organizational Workflow Management and Co-ordination on February 22, 1999
Extensible Transaction Service for Web-based Collaborative Systems
Presented by Jack Jingshuang Yang at ISI on February 4, 1999
Component Technologies for Next-Generation Software Development Environments
Presented at Software Productivity Consortium on October 23, 1998
A New Infrastructure for Evolutionary Design and Implementation
Presented at EDCS Fall 98 PI meeting on October 5, 1998
Integrating transaction services into Web-based software development environments
Presented by Jingshuang Yang at APWEB98 on September 28, 1998
Integrating Transaction Services into Web-based Software Development Environments
BibTeXtype = inproceedings
author = “Jack Jingshuang Yang and Gail Kaiser and Steve Dossick and Wenyu Jiang” title = “Integrating Transaction Services into Web-based Software Development Environments” booktitle = “1st Asia Pacific Web Conference: Web Technologies and Applications”,
pages = “Part I, Chapter 21, 199-208”,
month = “September”,
year = “1998”,
address = “Beijing, China”
EDCS Design Web Capabilities
Presented at Briefing at EDCS Demo Days on July 24, 1998
JPern: Transaction Server on WWW
Presented by Jingshuang Yang at Hypertext98 on June 24, 1998