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Author Archives: kaiser

DARPA/EDCS 3rd Annual Demo Days

Presented on June 27, 1999


RVP Internet Draft
Design Document

Workgroup Cache

A Workgroup Model for Smart Pushing and Pulling (WETICE, 6/99)



Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises: A Workgroup Model for Smart Pushing and Pulling

Presented at IEEE 8th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies on June 16, 1999

A Workgroup Model for Smart Pushing and Pulling

BibTexType = inproceedings
author = “Gail Kaiser and Christopher Vaill and Stephen Dossick”,
title = “A Workgroup Model for Smart Pushing and Pulling”,
booktitle = “8th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises”,
month = “June”,
year = “1999”,
pages = “15-21”

Columbia Hypermedia IMmersion Environment (CHIME): A 3D MUD Architecture for Customized Collaboration Systems

Presented at Telcordia on May 27, 1999

Distributed Software Development with CHIME

Presented by Steve Dossick at ICSE-99 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet on May 17, 1999

Component Technologies and Frameworks for Software Engineering Teams

Presented at 11th Annual Software Technology Conference on May 6, 1999

Embedding Model-Based Architecting in a Collaborative Environment

BibTexType = techreport
author = “Stephen E. Dossick and Daniel Port and Gail E. Kaiser”,
title = “Embedding Model-Based Architecting in a Collaborative Environment”,
institution = “Columbia University Department of Computer Science”,
number = “CUCS-016-99”,
month = “May”,
year = “1999”

Distributed Software Development with CHIME

BibTextype = inproceedings
author = “Stephen E. Dossick and Gail E. Kaiser” title = “Distributed Software Development with CHIME” booktitle = “ICSE-99 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet” month = “May”,
year = “1999”