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Author Archives: kaiser

A Holistic Approach to Service Survivability

BibTexType = inproceedings
author = “Angelos Keromytis, Janak Parekh, Philip N. Gross, Gail Kaiser, Vishal Misra, Jason Nieh, Dan Rubenstein and Sal Stolfo”,
title = “A Holistic Approach to Service Survivability”,
booktitle = “First ACM Workshop on Survivable and Self-Regenerative Systems”,
month = “October”, year = “2003”

Kinesthetics eXtreme: An External Infrastructure for Monitoring Distributed Legacy Systems

BibTexType = inproceedings
author = “Gail Kaiser, Janak Parekh, Philip Gross and Giuseppe Valetto”,
title = “Kinesthetics eXtreme: An External Infrastructure for Monitoring Distributed Legacy Systems”,
bootktile = “5th Annual International Active Middleware Workshop”,
month = “June”, year = “2003”

DOM-Based Content Extraction of HTML Documents

Presented by Suhit Gupta at the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (W3C) on May 20, 2003

DOM-Based Content Extraction of HTML Documents

BibTexType = inproceedings
author = “Suhit Gupta, Gail Kaiser, David Neistadt and Peter Grimm”,
title = “DOM-Based Content Extraction of HTML Documents”,
booktitle= “12th International World Wide Web Conference”
month = “May”, year = “2003”

Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation

BibTexType = inproceedings
author = ” Giuseppe Valetto and Gail Kaiser”,
title = “Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation”,
booktitle = “International Conference on Software Engineering”
month = “May”, year = “2003”

CRUNCH – Web-based Collaboration for Persons with Disabilities

Presented by Suhit Gupta at the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Teleconference on Making Collaboration Technologies Accessible for Persons with Disabilities on April 28, 2003

CRUNCH – Web-based Collaboration for Persons with Disabilities

BibTexType = misc
author = “Suhit Gupta and Gail Kaiser”,
title = “CRUNCH – Web-based Collaboration for Persons with Disabilities”,
booktitle = “W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Teleconference on Making Collaboration Technologies Accessible for Persons with Disabilities”
month = “April”, year = “2003”

A Case Study in Software Adaptation

BibTexType = inproceedingsauthor = “Giuseppe
Valetto, Gail Kaiser and Gaurav S. Kc”,
title = “A Case Study in Software Adaptation”,
booktitle = “Workshop on Self-Healing Systems”,
month = “November”,
year = “2002”


XUES (XML Universal Event Service) is PSL’s sophisticated event manipulation system.  XUES is supported under the DARPA DASADA project, and is part of the KX architecture.  XUES consists of two parts:

Event Packager (or EP), which serves as a data aggregator, flight recorder, and event transformer for PSL’s KX system.  Features include support for extensible event formats and conversion (currently supports Siena, Elvin, and XML); event recording and playback to/from SQL as well as memory; and support for time synchronization and simple event rewriting.

Event Distiller (or ED), which is a flexible event pattern-recognition/gauge architecture.  Features include multiple-event pattern recognitions, including “success” and “failure” situations; timebound validation (e.g., events received in order within specified timebounds); wildcards to support event patterns.  ED currently communicates either via Siena or direct method calls.

Further information on XUES is available:



Decentralized Information Spaces for Composition and Unification of Services

The DISCUS project focuses on forming temporary alliances among existing legacy systems that may span organizational boundaries, to rapidly deal with a unique and temporary problem. This integrated suite of tools, termed a Summit, will help operational teams to achieve quick understanding and resolution of the problem at hand.

A summit is formed by composing services from different Service Spaces, where each service space is an autonomous collection of services allowing selective access to its services. The extent of access allowed by a service space to external entities is based on their credentials and the nature of the problem, thus creating a dynamic trust model. A Treaty, representing a contract, is then formed amongst the service spaces of these participating services.

Each service space enforces normative interaction between the ‘enlisted’ services of a summit by intercepting and verifying every operation with the relevant treaty. Once the services within a summit have accomplished their mission, the summit can be dissolved.

DASADA Demo Days (7/02) poster
DASADA Demo Days (7/02) flyer
Overview slides